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University Student Housing Program

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House of Dawn provides student housing for parenting college students. Students must be enrolled as a full-time student. HOD provides multi-faceted family transition programs to support single parents working toward self-sufficiency, meeting the needs of parenting college students and addressing the barriers faced in achieving self-sufficiency and the exiting of poverty.

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House of Dawn, located in Clayton County, Georgia, provides student housing for parenting college students. The nurturing and family-oriented environment is designed to support young mothers to care for their child, complete college, and work towards becoming independent and self-reliant women. Students and their child live in a fully furnished residential unit with their own bedroom and bath and shared common areas such as the living room, kitchen and dining space with other suite mates.  The housing complexes are family-oriented with ample backyards and indoor space for toddlers and young children to play.

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  • Young mother with child between the ages of newborn-3 years old
  • Individual apartments are available if mother has more than one child or child older than 3 years of age.
  • Enrolled full-time at a University
  • Approved to received federally funded financial aid for student housing

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  • Below market value housing
  • Childcare
  • Life Coaching Services
  • Parenting & Life Skills education
  • Doula Services
  • Services available for mental and physical health

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  • Utilities included
  • Stylish living room, private bedroom and bathroom
  • Full size refrigerator, stove, oven, microwave
  • Full size washer and dryer

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Independent Living Home

Shared 4 bedroom 5 bath home with 4 suite mates: fall/spring semester:  $3000  ($600 per month)  Summer semester:  $1200


Shared 2 bedroom /2 bath with 2 suite mates:  fall/spring semester: $3500 ($ 750 per month)  Summer semester: $1400[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1609947326045{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

To obtain an application or for more information on the program email:  or call 770-477-2385

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Would You Like to Help?

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You or your organization can help mothers pursue their continued education within our home designed to meet their unique needs.  Please call us at 770-477-2385 or make a donation directly to this program by clicking the button below.

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College Housing Gifts

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Donation Total: $25 One Time
